Tuesday, November 6, 2012

EDUC 730 - Third Class

In my third class, we learned how audio can enhance the class environment.  We had the opportunity to create an audio file where the professor had already recorded part of conversation.  My group and I created the other part of the conversation and we listened to the recordings during class.  It was very creative and fun.

We discussed the use of video instruction for a substitute teacher, which may be more beneficial than written instructions.  In this instance, you can visually show the person where supplies are kept and give more details than a written note can provide. It could be a very useful tool that is not being utilized. 

Technology is a great avenue to explore in a variety of ways in the classroom.  If you know you are going to be out in the future, record a video of yourself to be shown in class while you are out.  It’s a great way to show students that you care and are willing to use technology like they do.

Friday, September 28, 2012

EDUC 730 - First Class Review

I am pursuing my Education Specialist degree.  I learned so much information in my technology class.  In the last class, I learned about changing the "style" in Word. I also learned about creating a link where students use the web as an educational tool.  I look forward to the continued learning and the different ways I can use this technology on my job and when I get into the classroom. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

EDUC 730 - Pre-Intensive Post

I am in a class to learn more about technology.  I have enjoyed the advances over the years.  As I continue with this degree in Education, I see the differences in the technology I used as a child and the technology used now.  When I was in elementary school, we used overhead projectors in the classroom.  Most people didn’t have a personal computer, even if they knew how to use it.  My mom used a typewriter to create her resume. Today this is unheard of because students have computers in the classroom or access to a computer lab.  Most families have a personal computer and would be lost without one.

I am excited to see what the future holds.  When my mom bought a newer car, she asked for an A track, and I laughed.  We’ve come a long way and we continue to make advances that impact our daily lives.