Friday, August 31, 2012

EDUC 730 - Pre-Intensive Post

I am in a class to learn more about technology.  I have enjoyed the advances over the years.  As I continue with this degree in Education, I see the differences in the technology I used as a child and the technology used now.  When I was in elementary school, we used overhead projectors in the classroom.  Most people didn’t have a personal computer, even if they knew how to use it.  My mom used a typewriter to create her resume. Today this is unheard of because students have computers in the classroom or access to a computer lab.  Most families have a personal computer and would be lost without one.

I am excited to see what the future holds.  When my mom bought a newer car, she asked for an A track, and I laughed.  We’ve come a long way and we continue to make advances that impact our daily lives.

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